Everyone needs a flattering, up-to-date headshot. You may love that photo from 15 years ago but people need to recognize you when they meet you in person!
Headshot photo session details:
- contact us to book your session time
- try to book a hair and makeup appointment prior. It makes a difference!!! We have a list of local makeup artists who we recommend and are happy to share when you schedule your appointment.
- In our phone consultation we discuss what your needs are, what style you are looking for and how creative we will be able to get
- $150.00 (plus hst) for 10 fully retouched digital images
Who needs a headshot? everyone (yes everyone should have a beautiful up to date photo of themselves but i know that most people won’t 🙂
- Real Estate Agents
- Actors (child, comedy, dance, modelling headshots)
- Business head shots
- Everyone (yes it is ok to have a fantastic updated photo of yourself floating around. Put it on your linkedin, facebook, twitter account! Something that makes your feel good when you see it)