The New Year is a time that I use to reflect over the previous year with open eyes and a kind heart. No one is perfect (I tell myself this everyday) but the start of a year is a wonderful chance for a Mulligan.
With that in Mind I resolve that in 2009 I will cherish the little moments with my kids. Not sure who it was that said it …(actually it was my massage therapist James – but I know he was not the creator)…anyways…the saying goes that with children “the days are long but the years are short”. This year I resolve to better cherish those days and worry about the tidy status of the toy room a little bit less.
And let’s not forget my hubby and buddy Dave. We are poster children for putting everyone and everything before us. This year we resolve to go on a “date” once a month.
And me, I resolve to spend more fun time with my camera. It is amazing – something that I love so much and I have to schedule a playdate between my camera and me!
Oh well, one week in and so far so good. 🙂
Happy New Year!
Yesterday we had a gorgeous fluffy snowfall. Caitlyn and I decided to take advantage of it and go for a walk. She pretended she was a snow queen named Diamond then quickly bored of that and was a snow bunny until her legs were too cold and wet. All in the course of about 20 minutes – Small windows of opportunity with 4 year olds!