There are big moments in every child's life: first steps, first words and losing that first tooth. Caitlyn bit into an apple at Grandma and Grandpa Horton's house Christmas and bingo the slightly loose tooth became really loose. After a week of paranoia, panic and perseverance Caitlyn decided the tooth was ready to come out. Dave stepped up to the plate and with a tiny tug out came Caitlyn's first tooth.
Yes, she was brave :)
Yes, the tooth fairy paid her a visit :)
and Yes, every person she sees is given a glimpse of the hole left in her bottom row of teeth. 🙂
It's a big moment in a little kid's life, part of the transition from little kid to big kid and yes, it brings a tear to my eye. Congratulations Caitlyn, please don't spend your tooth fairy money on polly pockets.