If you are a regular reader of this blog you will have picked up on my frequent distress over disorganization and chaos. To say that I do not flourish in chaos is an understatement. I used to be organized, obsessively so. My working files were a sight to behold. My household was organized, my linen closet a dream. Really not sure where things went off the rails. I guess about the time I freaked out in a grocery store over not locating a particular flavour of jello (it ruined my whole meal plan you know ;). That was when I decided to let it go a little…….well time to get a little back.
It is back to school time, a perfect time for me to adapt a new routine. Each week I will try and incorporate a new organizing tidbit into my life. My goal is to regain my beloved home and keep my brain chaos free. “Simply done”, you say? I beg to differ.
I met my first challenge yesterday when at the last minute I realize that the girls are sockless. The socks that they have are mismatched and full of holes. Caitlyn’s are hand-me-downs from Erin and barely resemble a sock shape having long ago lost their elasticity. Because school begins on Tuesday we do the last minute run to Walmart to find socks. Of course, there are slim pickings, and of course, they both choose the exact same style/type/colour of socks. Despite my desperate search I could not find socks in the appropriate sizes in differing colours. Yes, I see this being a laundry nightmare and yes, I can hear the morning arguments over who is wearing whose socks. Quick thinking in the store leads to the purchase of a “laundry proof” black sharpie marker.
and ta da!!!!! socks identified and hopefully problem solved. I will keep you posted. 🙂
So Tidbit #1 – label socks with laundry proof marker.