Over the last few years I have been on the journey with my hair to Embrace the Grey. The whole Embrace the Grey concept felt trendy and a little bandwagony; it is easy to add a hashtag to a social media post far more difficult to actually do it. As I am definitely not a bandwagon jumper it has taken me a while to decide to share my thoughts and story with you.
It first began in my 20’s with colouring my hair. When the first few grey streaks arrived I welcomed them. I loved playing and experimenting with my hair colour. The colours and tones that I would choose reflected what I was feeling at the moment. I felt joyous, sparkling and it was fun. Sometimes I was feeling red or added some stripes of pink, sometimes a little blonde, usually in winters a little more chestnut would creep in but it was always fun. Get the drift – FUN. Somewhere along the lines it stopped being fun. I am not sure when that happened; when it went from Fun to Work, joyous to disguising. There was a sad moment for me when I was getting ready for the day doing my hair and I actually paused and listened to my inner voice.
That inner voice conversation went something like this:
My inner voice – “it is time to get back to the hairstylist to hide the grey”
Me – For the first time actually hearing that word HIDE. I paused (and Yes I frequently have long conversations with myself 😉 then responded:
- “Why am I hiding?”
- “What am I hiding?”
- “WTF?”
- “When did I go from fun to hiding?”
- “When did I give myself permission to be camouflaged”
- “This is never the way I intended to be”
- “WTF?”
- “When did I get that old?”
- “WTF?”
- “I am not old”
- “What does hair colour have to do with age, my hair started going grey in my 20’s and that is young”
- “WT Serious F?!!!”
- ?
- ?
- !
- !
- “I am going let the grey come in”
Honestly the verbal diarrhea in my conversation was reeling! I can still feel the emotions of the exact moment when I recognized that I was hiding and no longer having fun. I do know that my inner voice can be a real nasty b@#*h sometimes. She and I have a long running adversarial relationship ….. but that will be saved for a different blog post 😉 Shortly after this conversation Covid provided the opportunity to grow out the colour and really see myself with my original hair.
I love the curls and the colour. Don’t get me wrong it is still work. I always had wave and curl to my hair but now my curls have a mind of their own. Did you know that grey hair has a different texture then your other hair? Leave-in conditioner has become my best friend!! I swear that my curls can predict the weather better then any forecasting equipment invented! Colour is still a bit of a battle as even though we have a state of the art water purification system our well water consistently wants my hair to have a brassy tone to it.
I wholly support anyone who wants to give it a try, it is easier if you do it with the helpful guidance of a hair stylist/colourist that supports your wishes. They will hold your hand and guide you through the process and yes I needed my hand held. (Thank you Jody 🙂 Know that it has not been easy and my battle of fighting the “grey is old” voice in my head continues however what I love is that I am having fun again. No more Disguising and hiding. Colour your hair or going natural it is all wonderful!

embracing the grey hair
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You are full of grace and class and then some sass. I think there’s even badass in there. 😘
Hugs Jody – thanks for being there!!!
I love this! I’ve been going grey since 13. If I didn’t colour my hair it would be 100% grey. I don’t feel i am hiding my grey as much as I just don’t like my grey. I don’t have fun with my hair any colour it is usually just back in a pint and out the door. Maybe one day I will embrace my hair whatever colour it is. I love your journey and the honesty you have. Your hair is gorgeous and clearly your soul is too. Cheers to you !
*Back in a pony
Love and Live in a pony tail, clip or something of a similar fashion. I sometimes toggle with a super short cut but with my curls I fear my hair would explode without the length weight to contain it. 🙂