How was everyone’s long weekend? We deliberately choose to do nothing. With our household’s busy schedule it was delightful to come across a weekend where we could choose to stay home. However my idea of what to do when we stay home seemed to differ from what everyone else wanted to do ….. mine involved getting caught up on the cleaning that had been neglected. You can imagine how well that was received. So after a weekend of not so gently forcing the kids to clean out their closets and dealing with the “aww mom do we have to clean again – it’s our weekend off” statements I gave up after only successfully tackling 3 rooms and snuggled with the girls to binge watch some Netflix episodes of Friends. I have to admit it left me feeling a little unappreciated. 😉
Jump to this morning where Erin decided to go lane swimming before school (because she “missed the feel of the water” – don’t ask – it’s something only a swimmer will understand 😉 and I decided to hang around and watch instead of my usual barely slow the car down before she jumps out routine. It was remarkably soothing to sit with my coffee, notepad and pen making notes and planning my week while watching her do something that she loves. Quickly I forgot the cleaning wars of the weekend and remembered what is important.
After swimming we sat in the car while she crammed breakfast down before heading off to school for the day. She said “Mom I love you and I would really miss you if I lost you. Like, you know when you send me to find something in the grocery store and then change aisles so that I can’t find you that’s how I would feel. I don’t know what I would do without you”. She then gave me a big smile and headed off to school. LOL – a small moment but one that quickly erased any residual unappreciated nonsense that may have been hanging around. Now to tackle the 11 year old red head who lives in the house. Gotta tell you she wouldn’t miss me if I lost her in the grocery store – she has been trying to ditch me for years. 😉
I hope that everyone had a fabulous long weekend!!