Wow – was it really Halloween, it all passed in a blur! The kids ran home from school, quickly did homework (who gives homework on Halloween – really!!!!) I tried to cram some form of sustenance into their body that would help absorb the sugar and minimize the sugar high. Quickly got them dressed, tried to snap photos before friends gathered and then released them to the wilds in our unsuspecting neighbourhood. 🙂
The Halloween Bullets:
* I made 6 dozen monster cookies to send to school …. they had so much sugar in them they could make your teeth hurt and looked like they were decorated by the children. Perfect for a school party.
* Erin – was a bucket of popcorn. Is on the cusp of being too cool to go trick or treating but loved going around with the girls in the neighbourhood and some friends who came in from the county.
* Caitlyn – was super psyched. Costume planned a month in advance took the neighbourhood by storm with her friends, two trailing dads and the dog.
* Piper – her first Halloween. Started super excited until she was forced to wear a Halloween sweater.
* Dave – refused to wear his slice of pizza costume but trick or treated for scotch. Discovered a delightful Maple Whiskey at someone’s house and was unable to drive the trick or treaters home. (lol)
Looks like fun was had by all 🙂
I feel like it all happened so quickly that the post sugar high collapsed in a coma children were asleep on the couch before I knew it.
Erin reacting to my “act like a piece of popcorn” comment.
Piper – not nearly as impressed with her Halloween sweater as the girls were. 🙂