After months of thought, distraction, and finally a huge all out push my new website is up and running. It is actually extremely difficult to try and find the one layout that does everything that I want it to do. (Those that know me will know exactly HOW difficult that can be – I can be a little picky about certain things 🙂 Combine that with the fact that it involves computers and a difficult task for me becomes almost unwieldy. However, one of my New Year’s resolutions is to stop swearing at the computer and turn my love/hate relationship with my Mac into a love/moderately can make it through the week without being irritated/can handle simple programming tasks within a reasonable time frame relationship. Think I can do it? (I know not enough vodka in the world – I HEAR YA. I am embracing it with an open mind and that is what counts. 😉
So it was with great excitement that I teamed up with Justin Popovic of Ignite Your Essence. I was very honest with him regarding my skill level and I am not sure that he believed me at the time. Know this, after the numerous hours that we have spent on the phone – he believes me now. Justin hung in there though and successfully has me online again! Yahoo for Justin and “Ted” whom I did not meet but understand was the behind the scenes guy extraordinaire. Thanks Guys!
I am so excited about my new website/blog and hope that you love it as much as I do. Many thanks to Justin Popovic and “Ted”.
Look around – you might recognize some faces 🙂
This image is from my vacation – sunrise, sunset I took in both most days.
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