Patty’s Reflections is the culmination of over two decades in photography, marketing and advertising. It has been a wonderful journey. The thousands of clients are like family and it has been a joy sharing their lives with mine.
AS my family is (fingers crossed) finally almost out of the nest I have decided to start sharing a few more personal reflections with all of you. I am excited to chat and share a variety of experiences, life lessons and deep thoughts. Entitling them “Patty’s Reflections” I am assembling them on my blog page and hope that you find them educational and entertaining.
I have been many things in my lifetime including a guinea-pig chaser, chauffeur/team snack provider and a horrible birthday cake decorator. Currently I am a Woman, Adventurer, Dreamer, Mom to 2 wonderful human beings and a super special Dog, Wife, Photographer, teacher, Lover of Coffee, Wine, Laughing, Music and the Outdoors.
I am a medium. Since childhood I have seen spirits. It was not until I reached adulthood that I began to understand and not fear what I experienced. This has been a wonderful gift during photo sessions as many loved ones would show up to participate and tell me about how amazing you all are. The one thing that I can take away from this experience is that Life is about LOVE.
I look at life as an experience to live, learn and grow from. This includes everything: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. In fact I believe that it would be difficult to truly appreciate the Good if you did not have the bad and the ugly to compare it to. This is not just a philosophy it is a hard-learned sweat driven life lesson, that life beat me across the head with many times until it finally sunk in. 🙂
Check out the Blog Posts where I share stories on my blog page. https://www.reflectionsbypatty.com/category/pattys-reflections/.