We have been an old fashioned winter around here with colder then cold temperatures and more snow then we know what to do with. There is winter here (some days I enjoy it more then others π and I have been finding ways to have fun with it. This year winter I played with snow bubbles.
I created Patty Presents – Photography Education & Events to share my passion and joy with anyone who wants to learn photography. As with all things it requires practice but it does not have to be boring. This is a lovely project to play with your camera settings, create stunning photos and enjoy the outdoors all at the same time.
Blowing bubbles in the snow is fun. They float, freeze, burst and are beautiful to watch and play with. I found it to be a fun and challenging winter photography project. Snow bubbles were a great way to focus on your macro photography and working quickly before the bubbles pop. Picking your camera settings and going for it! Put this into the definite list as a winter fun outdoor activity.

How to Take Snow Bubbles
Conditions: The colder it is the faster the bubbles will freeze. I have found the best temperatures are around -10 (celcius) and -12 (celcius). Anything colder then that (and yes I experimented) and the bubbles seem to freeze and shatter. The warmer temperatures did not produce as the crystal looks in the bubbles. Definitely NO WIND. Seek a sheltered area to play with your bubbles or your bubbles will blow away before you can take their picture.
Bubble Recipe
I made my own bubble mix. I found that the store bought stuff was a little too watery.
- 1 cup water
- 1/4 cup dawn dish soap
- 1 3/4 tablespoons glycerine (encourages durability in the bubble)
- 1 teaspoon of white sugar (to create crystals)
Stir until everything is mixed. Try and not create additional bubbles. Remove any froth that is created by the stirring action. Put the mixture in a container (I used a mason jar) and put in the freezer to chill.
When you are ready remove the mixture from the freezer, take it outside and using a bubble wand blow your bubbles.
This is really tough to do with only one person. Grab a friend. One person can blow the bubbles, the other person is on the camera. Take turns. The bubbles show up a little better against a dark background.
I used both my camera and my phone to take pictures. This is a truly uncomplicated fun project that can result some great times outdoors but also beautiful images.

Dave was my playmate for this project and pulled out his phone to get some photos of his own. I have included one of his bubble pictures as well. You can see him putting in a rare appearance in front of my camera although he is always my person behind the scenes. π

One of Dave’s bubbles photos is below. I love the swirls and the crystals as the bubble is beginning to freeze.

I hope that you enjoy playing in the snow with your camera and your bubble wand.